Perfect Love

Perfect Love

Monday, November 9, 2015

Finding My Calling

Exaxctly 2 years ago, to this day I started on the adventure of the pursuit of my purpose. God’s guidance is all over my story and I hope you can see how undeniably Him it was in these moments as I did. 

It was 2013 and I was fresh out of college. I attended school as a Communication Management and Design Major. I chose this major because you could do a lot with it, event planning being one of them, and quite frankly I wasn’t exactly sure what I wanted to do. The only thing I felt extremely passionate about was performing. Singing and acting. I looked at some schools’ Musical Theatre programs and got discouraged when I heard the ratio of students accepted and not. 

I was the lead in my high school musicals for my 3 last years of high school, but I didn’t have the confidence that I had what it took. I thought to myself, ‘after all, I come from a tiny school. The competition wasn’t as big. How will I compete with the most talented?’ Event planning was an idea that kind of came to me and I thought to myself, “I like events. It seems like it would be a fun job. You get to be creative and you get to deal with people and you get to be at amazing, unique events.” But I did not choose my major because I was passionate about it, or because I had experience doing it and I was good at it. I went through college hoping that once I graduated I would like event planning, but I honestly tried to not think about it too much. I lived in the present, did the work I needed to do in class, didn’t enjoy any classes in my major but didn’t hate them, so I stayed where I was at.

I was able to still sing constantly. I sang in the worship band at my college Christian community every week, I took voice lessons once a week and sang in a Chorus almost everyday. 

My Junior year I went on Semester at Sea; a study abroad program where you take classes on a cruise ship that circumnavigates the world. We visited 13 countries over 100 days. This trip was life changing. I was experiencing things I never had before. Living without technology (no phones or internet), having a hard time making close friends, feeling lonely at first, experiencing resentment towards my country (how good we have it yet how entitled we act), truly living in the moment and getting to know natives from countries, for the first time in my life not having a place to sing and most importantly, first hand seeing and realizing that happiness is not “the American Dream” but truly making gratitude a priority, aiming to please God, not people, and doing what you are passionate about; which will be what you are created to do. I had my first interactions with extreme poverty. I had conversations with people that had so little...and I could feel their joy and their gratitude so strong. It was truly life changing, putting two and two together. I knew that money did not equal happiness, but I didn’t see examples in front of me that proved it. I hadn’t gotten to know anyone of extreme poverty before. 

There was this man in Dominica, the very first country we visited, and I got to get to know him. He was a driver who volunteered to drive a group of us around, showing us his favorite spots on the island. I asked him how he was the second day we were with him and I will never forget what he said. He said, “I am blessed. I am so blessed. I got to bring my son to school today.” I’ve never seen someone feel so grateful for something that most of us do not see as a gift. But you you know what? Life is a gift. God created us and gives us everything. Everything. The next breath we take is a gift.

This is Ken, the man in Dominica who I learned so much about gratitude:
After that experience I started to understand that joy wasn’t found in a secure job that you’re only half passionate about. 

So I opened my ears to what God had to say about it. The only times I was able to perform on the ship was when I sang a duet at a talent show and when I directed and acted in a synchronized swimming routine (silent film, love story type thing, in a pool, to Vanessa Carlton’s ‘Thousand Miles.’ Those 2 experiences lit me up inside. I felt so happy. I was so full! I paid attention to those ‘signs.’ Sometimes we forget what we’re passionate about because we do it all the time. My whole life I was singing somewhere at least everyday, even if it was in the car along to the radio. Now I was in a position where I didn’t even have a car radio to sing along to. Oh how I took my passions for granted….

Synchronized swimming routine I directed and acted in:

My senior year of college I toyed around with the idea of doing something with music after college. I thought maybe singing on a cruise ship would be fun-since I found that I loved living on a ship and traveling the world. I talked with my voice teacher and he agreed that I needed to do something with my voice and this passion. I spent the year still being unsure though, after all, maybe I would like event planning? My last semester of college I was finally able to get into an acting class (that I had been trying to take since Freshmen year). I enjoyed this class so much. You know what? I realized it was truly the only class I ever looked forward to and didn’t want to end…out of my entire. college. career. God gave me another hint, hint….After finals I went up to my professor and told her how much I enjoyed class and how passionate I was about acting. She told me I had real talent and I should pursue it…

That was a crazy day. Graduation was a week away and I felt so confused. And scared. And lost. I felt God was saying…these AAARE your passions. These are what you’re supposed to pursue. I’m leading you to your calling. But I didn’t know the hows, and it was scary. What am I supposed to do now? 

At graduation, David Boreanaz was the commencement speaker. He was a communications student as well, but after graduation he realized his passion was acting, so he moved to LA and slept on his sister’s couch. Now he stars on Bones. Hearing him say that was crazy. It was like God was saying, “look. He did it. You can do it. This is not a coincidence. I’m speaking to you.” 

After graduation I remember opening my computer and was going to start applying for event planning jobs. I don’t think I even put once search in. I just couldn’t bring myself to apply for a single event planning job. I knew that wasn’t was I was supposed to do. 

So I remembered that idea I had throughout senior year: to sing on a cruise ship. I got a hostessing job at a restaurant in my college town: Ithaca, NY. My plan was to once in a while take a 4 hour bus ride to NYC and audition for cruise ship singing jobs. I did it one time: for Cinderella on a Disney Cruise ship. I didn’t get it but it was a fun experience. Kind of a cattle call, one of tons of girls. 

A couple months after graduation, in July I was called into a Saturday shift, unexpectedly. I never worked Saturdays. I seated this one gentlemen and we got talking away. Turns out he’s a big time movie producer who went to Ithaca College. He produced the Texas Chainsaw Massacre movies. I ended up singing for him because the owner of the restaurant would ask me to randomly, spontaneously sing for friends of hers who were dining. After I sang he got very serious and he was like, “You must move to LA and pursue acting. I’m telling you. You have to. With your voice, your personality, everything. You have to. I have a friend who is an acting teacher. Go to his class. Here is my contact info. I’ll see you in LA.”  He left and I remember my jaw was dropped, my eyes were huge and I was in shock. Why? Because I knew he was a messenger, showing me an open door. I knew this was a divine alignment and this was all God’s plan. I had that confident feeling inside that it. was. undeniably. God. 

It was crazy because there was never any doubt from then on. It was this confident assurance that this was what I had to do. I am BEYOND blessed to have parents that didn’t question, or doubt. God knew I needed their belief in me. Their trust in me and in God reaffirms my faith in Him.

So a few months later, on November 7, 2012 I packed up my newly leased car, headed from Ithaca, my home for the past 4.5 years, stopped by my hometown in Andes, NY, and was on my way to Los Angeles, all by myself.

The story of my road trip out to Los Angeles is a story for another time but it is full of Godwinks, and crazy stories. God made it clear that I needed to make the journey by myself, and he made it clear why on the road.

I made it to Los Angeles about 2 weeks later and within a few days I attended the acting class that the movie producer said I must go to. 

I attended acting class, went on some auditions, booked some small but exciting things (starred in a student film, was an extra in a couple things, including Entourage). It was incredible to be pursuing something that I was passionate. I was loving it. I was attending Reality LA Church and it was awesome. A few months after arriving to LA I felt a pull though, like I should try a different church or something, but I wasn't sure why.

At the same exact time a girl in my acting class told me about this church called MOSAIC. As she spoke about it I knew I needed to try it out, and see what its as about. A month later after flying back from a wedding in NY I randomly decided to check it out on Wednesday, May 22, 2014.

That day I found my home! I’ve never felt so much hope, so much love, so much joy, so much courage. I refuse to ever miss a midweek or Sunday, because there is so much LIFE and I just can’t miss out. There is so much God has to say through the pastors, there is so much celebration and beautiful worship. There are so many amazing people who inspire you to be your best self. At this church I found my calling and I decided to be all in, in my relationship with God. It was incredible to see how God put the movie producer in the restaurant in NY, to send me to the acting class to LA where a friend would tell me to go to MOSAIC where everything changed!!! Like a road map!...more of that later..back to the story. :)

Around the same time I started going to MOSAIC I one day had an urge to check out what singing and acting jobs had. (Backstage is a place where you submit for performance jobs). I had steered clear of anything singing related because I felt that since I came to LA for acting, that is what I should be focusing on, and I have sang my whole life so now was the time to take a break from it. That day I had a different perspective and was feeling open I suppose.

There was a post that said ‘EDM music Producer seeking new talent. Submit videos.’ I thought to myself, “Why not?.” And I submitted the only video I had of myself which was singing the national anthem at a college basketball game. I thought nothing of it, and assumed I wouldn’t be considered. I assumed they were looking for more of a singer/songwriter with a guitar or something. Not a soprano singing the national anthem. So I completely forgot about submitting. 

Soon after I got a phone call saying out of hundreds I was chosen to meet the producer via Skype. I had a meeting with him and he said that he saw major potential in me as an artist and wanted me to come to NYC (where he was) and write and record a few songs, and go from there. He had produced and worked with a lot of big names, and has been very successful. After the interview I was overwhelmed with this feeling of ‘God. I’m pretty positive this is you again…leading me on a crazy adventure thats insanely exciting but risky and scary as well.” I felt that same way that I did in that restaurant in NY with the movie producer. That I “heard God’s voice.” I never got what that meant. Did people really audibly hear His voice? This is what it means to me…when you have this crazy, confident, sense and feeling that God is leading you somewhere and you need to follow. Something that others won’t hear because God is not speaking to them about it, He is speaking to you about your life and your adventure He’s taking you on.

I immediately told a bunch of friends about it and the reaction I got to my crazy excitement was skepticism, doubt and discouragement. So many of my friends assumed just from what I told them that it was a scam and that I should not go. I started to listen to them and believe them, grudgingly. I say grudgingly because deep down I knew what was God’s voice. I knew that I was supposed to trust and have faith. I started ignoring the phone calls of the producer’s assistant. I did my research though and found that the producer was indeed who he said he was, very legit, and truthful. So I didn’t lose my chance, as I almost did! I agreed to come to NY the following month and create and record music for the first time ever!

...To be continued.......

Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Take the leap of faith with joy!

The first vision I had for this music video was to go skydiving in it. A few years ago I went skydiving in South Africa and I had a supernatural, miraculous experience where I waited for the nerves and butterflies to come...but they never showed up, even when my legs were dangling out of the plane. It was crazy! His Perfect Love literally casted out all fear! As I took a huge leap of faith out of the plane I felt nothing but excitement and joy.

When you watch this video I hope you can be inspired to take a leap of faith in your life, not trembling with fear and anxiety, but with pure excitement and expecting the great! Do this because you can be confident in God and His promises. Trust that you are on the right path, and get excited about the jumps you must take on this journey. They lead to adventure and beauty never before seen! Don't worry! God's got you! Take courage and enjoy the ride! <3

"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord, "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." Jeremiah 29:11

Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Singing while Free Falling. His love is Perfect and it casts out all fear!

Enjoy my debut music video, 'Perfect Love.' May you be inspired to follow your dreams fearlessly and confidently, knowing God is beside you casting out all fear!

Friday, November 22, 2013

80 hours and 4,664 miles later, I have arrived in Los Angeles!

Angela and I ended up getting back to her place around 5:30AM! I had to drive for 8 hours the next day-my longest yet…but it was so worth it, and I was hopeful that God would keep me awake and lively! Sure enough, that was the case! After only 3 hours of sleep I hit the road, and those 8 hours just flew by! I was so pumped up from what had just happened, and filled with such joy that I had all sorts of energy!  I talked to a few friends on the phone and jammed out to a whole lot of music. I reached a town near New Orleans where I was staying, by 5:30PM. I stayed with a Semester at Sea friend’s family. She is currently in London, so I unfortunately didn’t get to see her, but I met and got to know her parents briefly. They were so kind. It was such a blessing to meet them and to be invited so graciously into their home! They had a brand new puppy and 5 week old kitten to top it off! I didn’t know anyone in New Orleans, but that did not stop me from checking out this hyped up city! I drove to New Orleans via a 25 mile bridge over a river-the longest bridge running over water in the entire world! I wish I could’ve seen the water-it was dark at this time. I went to Pat O’Briens where it is a New Orleans tradition to have one of their huge Hurricanes. A worker saw me by myself and struck up a conversation, and ended up handing me the huge Hurricane..for free! I had some delicious traditional New Orleans food and met a bunch of guys on a Bachelor’s party in the process. I then headed into the dueling piano room and sat at the bar, where the bartender surprised me by saying “Hey New Yorker!” Turns out one of the workers who briefly introduced himself to me told the bartender I was from NY going solo…and this bartender went out of his way to show that amazing southern hospitality I love so much! We had a great chat, and the music coming from the pianos and performers was phenomenal! After another free Hurricane, I decided I better explore the rest of New Orleans, as much fun as I was having at my first stop. I explored Bourbon Street, and ran into the Bachelor Party group, which ended up being nice-having people to hang with for a bit. I had the New Orleans famous beignets and some coffee, which were all amazing. I enjoyed some more live music-found in most bars…I love it! I was also enjoying warm weather for the first time. There were even palm trees! I left by 1:30 and made the long 25 mile bridge trek back..which was kind of eerie-no lights on the bridge and no cars ahead or behind me…I could really just see 15 or so feet ahead of me and a whole bunch of fog. But that didn’t scare me haha! I can hear my Grandma gasping as she reads this. ;) I LOVED New Orleans! It really does deserve the hype, and I cannot wait to return with friends someday!

Dueling pianos at Pat Obriens:

Bourban Street:

The next day I headed for College Station where my Semester at Sea friend Eleni goes to school, at Texas A and M. I was so excited to experience Texas for the first time. As soon as I crossed the Texas border there were pickup trucks EVERYWHERE. And the speed limit is 75 almost everywhere…and the road is insanely straight and boring. Southern accents everywhere of course-ever since North Carolina, and very prevalent in Alabama! I had about a 6 hour drive that day. I made it to College Station by dark and was happy as a clam when I was finally in the presence of Eleni! What a joyful, incredible, Godly gal she is! So blessed to have her as a friend. So many of the friends I wish I could have me in person all the time..they would make me a better person! Anyways Eleni, her roomie and I went to a well known cute country bar/restaurant in College Station..I forget the name now. It was so cute and country…I loved it. We had some burgers and I caught them up on all my stories! After they showed me around their college town we went back to their apartment and we watched the Semester at Sea movie I made! Eleni and I then went 2-stepping. Oh my gosh I had the time of my life!!!!! 2-stepping is similar to salsa, in terms of letting the guy lead, the spins, dips and moves. The stepping was the only difference. I salsa pretty frequently and love it, so naturally I LOVED 2-stepping. Like REALLY loved it. I love country music, and I love when guys are gentlemanly. A cute lil cowboy with boots and a cowboy hat would come up to you and ask you to dance, and it would be for just one song. Oh how I wish they had 2-stepping places everywhere!!

Eleni and I at the 2-stepping place!

MONSTER truck: typical Texas :)

The next morning I headed to Austin-the stop on my trip I was most excited for! If you know me well you’ve heard of my week this past winter where I had the strangest signs pointing me towards Austin. I really do want to live there someday and I believe it will happen…maybe in a few years. But I have never visited, so I was dying to see how awesome it was made out to be. The day started by meeting up with Dia. Dia is from my hometown, but we never knew each other too well. After bonding with her all day I have a feeling we would be inseparable if we were in the same city! Dia reached out to me on Facebook when she saw that I was passing through Austin. What a blessing, because I didn’t know she was living there and didn’t know anyone living in Austin. I happened to be coming on a Sunday and she was planning on going to church. I was pumped when I found that out because going to church in Austin would mean a lot to be and would be an incredible way to start out the day. I arrived in Austin just in time for church. It was a beautiful sunshiney day, around 85 degrees. I loved the church service..the message went right along with what was going on in my life of course J The church reminded me a lot of the church I loved last summer in LA-Reality LA. After church Dia and I went to a popular street in Austin and had some delicious Mexican food. She brought her brand new puppy along. I couldn’t believe how many people stopped and pet her dog, Paisley, and asked all about her. I witnessed so many smiles, brought on only by the adorable puppy. We walked for 5 hours and it was amazing to see how much joy this lil pup brought to just about everyone. We walked through downtown, across the river, and made it to the bridge at sunset in time to see the bats fly away. There is this thing in Austin, where for some reasons, probably thousands or more bats live under a bridge that goes over the river right by the city. At sunset every night they all fly off, and it is incredible to watch. It’s not scary or eerie..just fascinating. We really just walked around the city all day and chatted a whole bunch. It was such a great day. We then went back to Dia’s apartment and I got a great nights sleep, including a cuddle sesh with the puppy in the morning. She wiggled her way into my arms so that my arms were around her. Ahhh so precious! 

The next day I headed to Dallas and visited Delaney. We had a great dinner and a fabulous time catching up. It was a short visit, but I enjoyed every second of it, and hearing about her new life, her new job, and seeing her new place. The following day I headed up only few hours north to Oklahoma City. My Dad flew in that evening to accompany me for the rest of the trip to Los Angeles. I got to Oklahoma City a few hours before my Dad’s flight arrived so I checked out this adorable part of town called Bricktown. Every building and street were covered in bricks. I went to a brewery/Restaurant and sampled some beer and had a snack. I met a couple Oklahoma natives there and had a great time chatting with them. I then went to the Oklahoma Memorial-a Memorial and museum dedicated to the bombing in Oklahoma City in 1995. Though somber, it was a great, educational experience. After going around in circles for 20 minutes because the GPS hadn’t updated 40 West for Oklahoma City, I eventually made it to the airport and picked up my Dad. We settled in our hotel and had a great time eating burgers and trying local beer at Tapwerks, which had 106 beers on tap! 



The next day, we headed to Albuquerque, New Mexico. Finally I got to take some time in the passenger seat and relax. It was a 7 hour drive and we split the driving. We had probably the most exciting dinner experience we’ve ever had at a famous New Mexican restaurant called El Pinto. The owners are twins and we had a great time chatting with them, while the best New Mexican food around was brought to well as the best Margaritas I have ever tasted. The restaurant was gorgeous. There was a waterfall in the entrance, and our table was right in front of a fireplace. The next morning we rode the world’s longest tram up Sandia Mountain and saw all of Albuquerque from 10,000 feet up…well more like 9,000. At 10,000 it was very snowy and all we could see were clouds and snow all around us. It was such a beautiful, worthwhile trip!

Albuquerque from tram:

A very special dinner at El Pinto with Dad:

Elevation: 10,700 feet up Sandia Mountain in Albuquerque!

At the bottom of Sandia Mountain

On the road..Oklahoma/Texas/New Mexico

Yesterday we had another 7 hour drive to Scottsdale, Arizona (near Phoenix). The scenery today was the best I’ve seen yet! How beautiful and unique the drive through New Mexico and Arizona is! It will be extremely flat for a long time and then there will be gigantic mountains, plateaus or rock formations. You won’t see any wildlife and then all of a sudden you’ll see a herd of black cattle, or a couple wild horses even. We went so many miles one time without seeing civilization. It was such a cool experience. It’s all about the journey, I’m realizing even more and more! We had yet another delicious Mexican meal today. Dad and I decided to be better and eat salads today. We even ate fruit earlier AND we both worked out together this morning at 7AM. We had to start disciplining ourselves sooner or later..:) After dinner tonight I went to Tempe (20 min away) and met up with 5 Semester at Sea friends! Most of them go to Arizona State University, and one happened to be visiting from NY. It worked out so nicely, and it was so amazing to see more SAS friends whom I haven’t seen in a year and a half! 

On the flat!


Today I made the final trek! I reached Los Angeles 1 hour ago! The drive was only 5 hours today, and we drove through rain the entire day..up until when we reached LA of course! J The sun is finally shining..the southwest has been gloomy and rainy the past few days. Its surreal to be here right now. I’m relaxing in the hotel room right feels pretty great! I didn’t do much slowing down in the past 2 weeks. But of course that’s how I like it! It feels very bittersweet-Sweet because I have finally arrived and it’s so exciting to be here. Bitter because the roadtrip was so incredible, and part of me wishes it didn’t have to end! I feel so blessed by the fun times I had, the new beautiful sights I saw, sunsets on the road, friendly chats with new friends and special times with old friends, great company having my Dad here, and generosity, hospitality, kindess and love shown by countless people all along the way. Most of all I feel blessed by God’s presence with me always, his message to me that will stay with me forever, the Godwinks, and graciously keeping me safe amidst all the risks I took. My car kept track of the miles I drove and the amount of time I spent in the car. It came out to 80 hours on the dot and 4,664 miles in a total of 15 days!

200 miles to Los Angeles!

 A beautiful sunset from our hotel room..concluding this amazing journey!

Shortly I’m about to be reunited with Manda for the first time in one year! I’m so excited! I’m going to see my friend Bryana for the first time in a year and a half tomorrow, meet my roommate and see more friends in the coming days! I’m starting to feel a little bit anxious about searching for apartments, finding jobs, and starting acting classes. I have faith that amidst some waves it will all work out, for this move feels as right as it could be!

Thanks for reading! I will keep updating my blog and let you know how settling in LA treats me!

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

An unforgettable time in Nashville

More than a week has passed since I last wrote. I honestly haven’t had a spare second to write since then. This trip has been absolutely amazing. I knew it was going to be incredible, and that God had something in store for me, but I had no idea it was going to be this blessed and wonderful!

I’m currently in the passenger seat of my car for the first time. My Dad arrived in Oklahoma City last night and I picked him up at the airport so he could take part in some of the fun and keep me company on the last leg of this journey. I’ve driven 3,497 miles so far and have been in my car for 61 hours! Granted a lot of that includes gallivanting around cities or driving in circles like last night because my GPS was trying to tell me to get on a ramp that was completely blocked off and was offering no alternative. Thankfully a nice gentlemen directed me to 40 West. Apparently the GPS systems haven’t updated their systems for Oklahoma City, which is just crazy! Anyways-can you believe it? I’ve made it 3,500 miles pretty flawlessly. No car issues and I haven’t even got lost!

So I’ll catch you up on the many events of this past week! I headed to Elon University in North Carolina last Tuesday, from Leesburg, Virginia. I visited my friend Brooke (from an American music Abroad trip in High School that only lasted 18 days). We made such a bond in that trip that I’ve seen her almost every year since! It had been more than a couple years since I’d seen her last. Boy was it good to see her! We went to her Intervarsity service, which is a Christian worship service on her campus very similar to Evensong. What a blessing it was that I came on a Tuesday and got to attend that service! Brooke showed me a song that she really loved at the moment called Oceans, by Hillsong United, which ended up being my song of my trip! Check it out:

I headed to Nashville the following morning. It was a 7 hour trip and it surprisingly flew by. I was shocked at how easy 7 and 8 hour days flew by pretty seamlessly. I thought driving alone would be awful, extremely boring and painful. But it was really the opposite! They flew by quicker than when I’ve had company actually. I just jammed out and sang at the top of my lungs to a bunch of great music I just downloaded. I listened to a podcast, a devotional, a sermon, and part of Catching Fire audiobook, but honestly time flew the quickest when I was energetically singing along to music! I didn’t dare listen to podcasts much because sitting there in silence made me sleepy. On the way to Nashville I was pleasantly surprised by the Smoky Mountains! I drove through them, on the windiest road I’ve ever been on. It was a 2 lane road with tractor trailers constantly on my side. We had to detour at one point because a tractor trailer was on its side! I drove with few stops on my way to Nashville, anxious to get there before dark..and just to get there in general! About an hour outside of Nashville I saw a winery right off the exit, so I decided that would be a nice break before the last leg. I had a nice chat with cute lil old ladies who were pouring wine, and sparked some interest in being life long learners for Semester at Sea!

When I reached Nashville I went in to Dick’s last resort and had a local beer while chatting with the staff there. I just love chatting with new people. I had some awesome encouragement and support for what I’m doing after telling my story. The bartender came up with a stage name for me. He wasn’t a fan of Kathryn Krick. Krick “sounds angry” apparently. Ha! He came up with Andie Coddington. (Andie for Andes, and Coddington for the street I lived on for 2 years in college.) I’m not sure if I’m sold on that name yet… ;) As I waited for Angela to get done with work I walked to Broadway street, the famous street in Nashville where numerous bars with live country music in just about all of them. Angela met up with me and we had the best time catching up! What an awesome and fun gal! We had dinner and then went to bars with live country music. I LOVED IT! We were singing and dancing to our favorite country tunes. I wish they had that everywhere…it was one of the most fun times I’ve had out! We rode a bull and sang karaoke- Carrie Underwood and Shania Twain of course!

I had plans to go to Atlanta, Georgia the next day (which was about 2 hours away).  I planned to stay with a couple I met at Mahogany Grill this summer who were so kind! Angela talked me into staying another night in Nashville instead. I’m really glad I stayed…it turns out that was what God had planned for me. The next day I slept until 2PM! I needed it..I hadn’t been getting a lot of sleep so far on my trip, and we went to bed extremely late…or early. As I waited for Angela to get done with work I went to a beautiful in winery in Arrington. (Sense a theme in my trip? :)) We then went out to dinner with her adorable son Sebastian and her fiancĂ©e.. Then Angela and I went to the Opryland Resort/Hotel. It was the most beautiful hotel I’ve ever seen. There were really tropical plants and waterfalls inside. It was unreal!!! There were lights cascading from the ceiling, and it was truly like being in a tropical rainforest with a roof over us. So incredible! Next Angela and I made our way back to Broadway street for some more live country music. We made plans to leave by 12 since Angela had work at 7AM again and I had to drive 8 hours to New Orleans the next day. All of a sudden it was 2AM and we forced ourselves to leave, grudgingly, as we were once again have an incredible time. On the way to the car we approached a guy with a gray beard, cowboy hat and guitar, playing and singing with a couple other people. Usually we’d walk by something like this on the street, especially at 2AM on a very cold night…but something stopped us. We listened, sang along, and enjoyed each other’s company. Angela made everyone be quiet and listen to me sing-I sang my audition song for Cinderella of course..haha! There was a hotdog stand right next to us, and I was hungry, so I went up to the stand, ordered my hotdog, and then started a conversation with the hotdog man, who was 63 years old-looking like my Dad…a peculiar place for this kind of guy. I told him about my journey-how I was roadtripping to LA where I was moving. Turns out his daughter is an actress and singer there in Nashville. I forget how it started..but all of a sudden, he was………..prophesying to me. God was giving him all these things to tell me and he looked off to the side, receiving the information, and then spitting it back out to me. I was in shock. This had never happened to me…and it was all so..real. He told me that my trip would be surprisingly smooth, and I would settle in to LA rather smoothly…but after a bit there will be some waves. These waves are very small in God’s eyes and God wants me to know that they are small and so insignificant in his eyes, and I need to stay strong and just get through them. He continued talking to me…telling me what God was telling him, for at least an hour. I was just standing there, eyes wide, in awe. This guy, Fred, is an ordained minister and God told him and his wife to minister by working a hotdog stand on Broadway in Nashville at night. I was standing there shivering, in shock and overcome, trying so hard to soak in everything. How I wish I could remember everything he said. He told me that there are relationships I will have to get rid of. He said that I will have to stay strong, and I will stay strong. He said that I have a great awareness of God, but I can have an even greater awareness…”God’s communicating with us all the time, even when you’re brushing your teeth.” He himself was pleasantly surprised by all of this himself. He said that all of this was encouragement, not warning. There was so much that was said, and that I was desperately trying to take in..before I knew it, it was 4AM and the gray bearded cowboy came up to is and said “boy, you can see God all around her eh?” Turns out this guy is friends with Rick the hotdog guy, and was told by God that he needed to minister by playing on the street at night. So Angela and I headed home after this. I was in awestruck wonder! There’s even more to this story…if you want to know more, please ask, I just don’t want to post more publicly.

I just knew that God was up to something…that something was going to happen on this trip, that there was something he wanted to tell me, and that there was a reason I needed to go alone. I had no idea it would be this…I feel so blessed, and overcome by this intimate message from God.

And that was a week ago! A lot of adventures have happened since then, but I’m in my hotel in Albuquerque getting a little sleepy. I just had an amazing dinner at El Pinto with my Dad where I had the most incredible, authentic New Mexican food and THE BEST margaritas I have ever had! We are off to Phoenix tomorrow, and I will post about the rest of my journey in New Orleans, Texas, Oklahoma and here in Albuquerque. Thanks for reading!

Driving through the Smoky Mountains:

Broadway Street, Nashville:

Beautiful sunset in Nashville:

Opryland Hotel..a Poinsettia Christmas tree:

The "Gray bearded cowboy" (Ira) outside the hotdog stand:

Monday, November 11, 2013

Slowly and happily making my way...

Somehow it's already the 5th night of my roadtrip! It has been absolutely incredible so far. I had a fun night out on the town with Mere at my first stop in Penn State. I headed to Harrisburg the next day where Hilary lives. After finding an adorable crepe place and enjoying alone time as I chatted with friendly people in the crepe place and at a chocolate place...simply enjoying having conversation with "strangers." I reunited with Hilary and we chatted for hours, and then Julianne joined us for some margaritas, unbelievable cupcakes and more catching up. Sean joined us for lunch the next day and then Hilary and I visited the oldest brewery in the world: Yuengling, Chocolate World in Hershey, another brewery, and a taproom with 100 beers on tap! We had a fun-filled night out, finishing off the weekend right! So much love! It was a much needed visit. I have missed my best friend so much.

Next I headed to Baltimore area where I reunited with Grace and Mica-2 of the most positive, joyous, beautiful souls that I had the pleasure of meeting on Semester at Sea close to 2 YEARS AGO already... I've never experienced so much contagious joy before. From both of them I received the best 'reuniting after years' hugs. When we reunited there were screams, tight squeezes, jumping, weird noises, and well I really wish there was a hidden camera. I'll never forget that day-yesterday...experiencing such joy just to be in the presence of each other! I really was reminded of the importance of being around positive people that just brighten your light instead of cover it. I feel so blessed to be friends with these ladies and it inspires me to work hard no matter what to surround myself by positive people.

We ate sandwiches by the water, drank lattes in an adorable cafe and then casually went to a $25 Plain White T's and Parachute concert at a small, intimate venue..SCORE. I had so much fun at the concert, mostly because of the gals I was with! We were so happy and just danced the entire time. Today Grace showed me Old Ellicot City, and we explored cute shops. My friend from IC, Will lives only 30 min from my cousins in Leesburg so today on my way there I stopped and chatted with him for a bit. And now here I am at my cousin Bonnie and Dave's house. They have the cutest baby, Gabriel who is 6 months old, so I've been in heaven all evening. Now it's time to catch up on some sleep! I'm headed to Elon University in North Carolina tomorrow to visit my American Music Abroad (H.S. Europe trip) Brooke who I haven't seen in a couple years!

Thursday, November 7, 2013

Cross Country Roadtrip: Day 1

It's been a while since I've written. More than a year in fact. I had 7 months of adventure, new sights, and new people as I traveled around the world on Semester at Sea, and lived in Los Angeles for the summer. I returned to Ithaca for senior year and though a hard transition at first, ended up having an amazing last year at Ithaca College. I soaked up the college life with my beloved friends. Graduation came and went and most friends came and went. A few of us decided to stay until our lease ended at the end of June. Summer in Ithaca is truly amazing. I couldn't leave. I subleted an apartment for the month of July as I worked at Mahogany Grill, absolutely loving living in Ithaca in the summer and as a graduate. I slept in, went to gorges or the lake, wineries, the pool. Then around 5 I would head to the Mahogany Grill where I was a hostess. I had a blast at that job-meeting people who would change my life....

Upon graduation I really gave a listen to my heart. Throughout college as a Communication Management and Design major I was intending on pursuing event planning. That is why I interned with a wedding planner last summer. I'm still very interested in event planning and pursuing that is still the plan..or part of the plan. After Semester at Sea and senior year I started to realize that singing and acting is a passion of mine that I cannot ignore and that even if it may be impractical to sing and act in anything other than a hobby, finding careers that involve performing should maybe be something I should at least a 22 year old who has nothing to lose and no strings attached anywhere. Senior year I decided I wanted to work on a cruise ship-ideally performing (musical theater) or working in some way (with events or kids or something)...I loved the shiplife on Semester at Sea and I love traveling so this just seemed like a perfect career for a couple years or so. I auditioned for Cinderella on a Disney Cruise ship in NYC in July. The owner of Semester at Sea asked me to sing for her and her friends once she found out I was auditioning. When she asked me, I realized "this is what I need to get the nerves out for my 15-second audition." So I sang my audition song for them right on the patio outside of Mahogany Grill and it went well. She then had me sing for more friends occasionally spontaneously in the middle of the restaurant. It was really a blessing because I noticed such a difference when I auditioned-the nerves were minimal. I was kind of waiting around in Ithaca-really enjoying the summer, living in the moment, not thinking about the future too much-only having the cruise ship idea. I found out it can take a while to get on a cruise ship...especially as a performer (very competitive).

Mid July I was hostessing and I sat a gentlemen and a couple of his friends. I found out this gentlemen was a huge movie producer (produced Texas Chainsaw Massacre 3D, Dumb and Dumberer, Jaws 3 and more). We got chatting for a while, and he asked about me, my passions. I told him I love to sing and act...I ended up singing for him right in the restaurant. He wrote down his contact info immediately and PREACHED to me about how I MUST move to LA. He has an acting coach friend who's on of the best and he can hook me up with him, and I'll regret it if I don't go for it. I just must move to LA and just try.....This really caught me off guard. He was so adamant about it. Why was he so adamant about it? He must know what he's talking about! This is crazy! He was like, "We will keep in touch. I'll see you in LA."

I liked LA but I didn't really feel a pull out there, so I didn't think I was going to go back there..until this. Because the producer, Carl, was SO adamant about it..I couldn't ignore it. I've had these "godwinks" "signs from God" whatever you want to call them before..and it sure seemed like this was God. I had signs leading up to this, like I was finally able to get in an acting class my last semester at Ithaca and I loved it more than any class I've ever taken. The professor took me aside on the last day and said I could audition alongside the Acting majors if I wanted to. When she told me that I was like, "Well what am I supposed to do with my life now?!"

I called the wedding planner, Theresa, who I interned with last summer and was very close to. She was like "Kat you have to go for it! Also...I would love to have you work for me, part time starting out!!" Within just 2 days, this new idea about moving to LA was starting to really make sense. I also have a lot of friends out there  (from Ithaca College) including one of my best friends, Manda and her fiancee. I prayed about it a lot, my parents were very supportive (really liked the idea of having a job with Theresa) and nothing led me astray from the idea. It seemed to make more and more sense. I realized that I 100% would regret it if I didn't go for it-take advantage of this wonderful opportunity I had, and ignored this door that God opened for me.

So here I am, a few months later. Sitting at home in Andes, about to hop in my jampacked car and head for California! Things have fallen into place. The producer kept in contact with me like he promised, hooked me up with the acting coach. I'm going to start classes once I get there in 2 weeks. The producer, Carl was in Ithaca for a week a couple weeks ago we met up and it went wonderfully. I'm going to work for Theresa part time and find another part time job when I get out there. I have a roommate! She's my Semester at Sea's friend and she is from San Francisco, recently moved to LA. We don't have an apartment yet but we've sent in applications and shes looked at a couple places.

I've wanted to roadtrip across country so much after since Semester at Sea. I had 5 roadtrip buddies back out on me and I was so devastated. I thought going across country by myself was not an option and that it would be too long and lonely...when the last roadtrip buddy backed out on me a couple weeks ago I toyed around with the idea of going alone-mostly because I had my heart set on it and I didn't want to just fly out at this point. I thought about it and prayed about it and I really believe God wants me to do this alone. I always avoid alone time. I seek being around people constantly. It is important though to have alone time..and I really need to focus on myself and time with God now more than never, as I'm beginning this new chapter in a city that can be dark, have temptations, and so so many pressures as a girl around the acting scene especially.

I've totally embraced going alone. I got Catching fire on book on tape, a bunch of podcasts, Reality LA sermons, and 600 new songs thanks to Spotify Premium. :) And now for the most exciting part of this trip: I am visiting SO many amazing friends, some of which I haven't seen in years! Having one-on-one time with them will just be incredible...and the best. I'm taking my time-2 weeks! I'm going out of the way and going through Texas because I'm dying to see Austin, where I honestly think I may move to someday. This is my itinerary:

Tues Nov 7 (TODAY): Andes-> Penn State to visit Mere!
Nov 8- Penn State -> Harrisburg to visit Hilary! Julianne is coming up friday night too!
Nov 10-Harrisburg -> Baltimore area to visit Semester at Sea friends Mica and Grace
Nov 11- Baltimore -> Leesburg to visit my cousins
Nov 12 - Leesburg -> Elon University in North Carolina to visit Brooke!
Nov 13 - Elon -> Nashville to visit Andrea and cousin
Nov 14 - Nashville -> Atlanta, Georgia to visit nice folks I met at Mahogany Grill! :)
Nov 15 - Atlanta -> New Orelans...not sure who to meet up with there yet!
Nov 16 - New Orleans -> near Houston to visit Eleni (SAS friend)
Nov 17 -  Austin to visit Dia
Nov 18 - Austin -> Dallas visiting Delaney
Nov 19 - Dallas -> Oklahoma City...where my Dad is flying to ride with me the rest of the way for company and an adventure :)
Nov 20 - > Oklahoma city -> Albuquerque/Santa Fe
Nov 21 -> New Mexico -> Flagstaff
Nov 22 -> arrive in Los Angeles!

I'll be documenting my travels on this blog! I'm exciting to see new sights, meet new people, and really discover myself-as many people tell me I will on this trip!

Time to hit the road-first stop: State College!